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2022 Season Overview

Autumn had a very successful year training and showing on 3 horses, Sephora, Ginger, and Ballerina. Sephora was her main focus and she only competed on Ballerina at a single show. Autumn amassed the following in the 2022 season.

47 first place finishes

26 second place finishes

127 ribbon placings

9 championships

1 reserve champion

1 overall Alberta championship


Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

March 28 to April 2, 2022

This show conflicted with Autumns school schedule and we were unable to attend. Hope to make it in 2023

Mid Summer I - July 13 - 17

Autumn & Sephora

1.15 meter Junior Amateur Jumper champion

1.1 meter Eclipse Equestrian Junior Amateur Jumper medal 2nd place

C.E.T. Medals 2nd place

Autumn & Ginger

.85 meter Open Jumper champion

Mid Summer II - July 20 - 24

Autumn & Sephora

1.15 meter Junior Amateur Jumper champion

Autumn & Ginger

Hunter training rounds

Rocky Mountain Classic I
- August 10 -14

Autumn & Sephora

1.15 meter Junior Amateur Jumper champion

Autumn & Ballerina

This was Autumns debut show with Ballerina and it was going very well with not a single rail down in any events. We started her in the hunter ring and .9 jumpers where she placed first along with a  number of other top 8 finishes.  On Saturday morning on her first training jump in the warm up ring Autumn and Ballerina came into the jump long and at the last second Bella tried to take an extra step and caught the rail between her front legs. Bella went nose and knees first into the sand and rolled, Autunm went head first into the sand. Bella received a few very minor scrapes and bruises on her legs and is fine. Autumn received a cut on her nose, 2 black eyes, a sore jaw, sore neck and a mild concussion. Unfortunately that was the end of the show for us and Autumn had to scratch from the Eclipse and C.E.T. medals and both the hunter and jumper derby's.


Summer Fort Festival - August 22 - 28

Autumn & Sephora

1.15 meter 2 first place finishes

1.15 meter Classic 4th place

Autumn & Ginger

.8 meter Open Jumper champion

.8 meter Classic first place

Edmonton Classic - May 26 - 29, 2022

Autumn & Sephora

1.1 meter Jumper Classic 2nd place

1.1 meter open Jumpers 6th place

C.E.T. Medals 2nd place

Autumn & Ginger

Championship ribbon and cooler in .8 meter Pony Jumpers

Championship ribbon and cooler in .8 meter Pony Hunters

Took a rail and still placed 7th in the .8 meter Jumper Classic


1.15 meter open Jumpers 2nd place

1.2 meter open Jumpers 1st place

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